22. A provider must(1) comply with the job descriptions in the List when calling on a personnel placement agency’s services;
(2) refuse the services of any person whose services a personnel placement agency intends to lease to the provider, or of any pharmacist providing services as independent labour, if the judicial record disclosed to the provider is related to the aptitudes required and appropriate conduct to perform the duties likely to be entrusted by the provider;
In force: 2025-04-01
(3) send to the Minister, within 60 days following the end of each quarter of the calendar year, a list, by facility if applicable, of the personnel placement agencies and any persons that provided services to the provider under section 13 during the quarter; andIn force: 2025-04-01
(4) send to the Minister, within 60 days following the end of each quarter of the calendar year, an account of the services provided during the quarter by pharmacists providing services as independent labour, indicating the number of hours worked as well as the fees and allowances charged. Before refusing services for the reason referred to in subparagraph 2, the provider must allow the person to present observations. A provider deciding to refuse services for that reason must notify the decision to the person in writing and, if applicable, to the personnel placement agency employing the person.
1485-2024O.C. 1485-2024, s. 22.